Bonnie Prince Charlie's Attempt to Win the British Throne for his Father

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Bonnie Prince Charlie's Attempt to Win the British Throne for his Father Charles Edward Stuart, grandson of James II and son of James the old pretender, was born in Rome in 1720 and created Prince of Wales at birth. His father had always been desperate for the British throne, and had already tried and failed many times to win the throne (he was Catholic and the government would only accept a ruler if he was Protestant). Charles had been brought up with his father always hoping and longing for the throne, so in 1745 he decided to do something about it. At first, Charlie thought he would have help from the French king, Louis, as it had been promised to him. At the time, France and England were at war, so the French were eager to help on their enemy's downfall. Prepared to meet the French in Inverness-shire, he set off to the highlands of Scotland with only seven men, and on the nineteenth of August raised his father's standard there. At this point, Louis ducked out of the plan (by this time, the war with England was nearly over, so he didn't want to stir up any more trouble). This left Charlie with no choice but to gather as many men from the highlands as he could, but thankfully he was still widely supported there; plus he had managed to persuade a few clan - chiefs to support him aswell, so within a week had managed to gather 2000 men! His final army was made up of 4000 men, and they began marching south. The first marched to Edinburgh, but the highlanders and lowlanders didn't get on very well, so Charlie didn't get many men. However, the lowlanders did supply him with 2000 targets and 500 tents. The then marched to Prestonpans, and there won an easy victory, meaning that he now had most of Scotland under his control. His Generals did advise that he stopped there, and he could well have, but Charlie wanted more, so he and his army marched down through England.

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