Boiling Lake Research Paper

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Boiling Lake
Boiling Lake is one of the most popular attractions in MorneTrois Pitons National Park. This eerie-looking pool of bubbling, gray-green water lies at the end of a strenuous, three-hour hike through thick forest. But it's worth it. Geologists believe the 63-meter-wide actively boiling lake, the world's second largest, is a flooded fumarole, a crack in the earth allowing hot gases to vent from the molten lava below. The temperature at the edge of the lake ranges from 82-92°C and is at boiling point in the center. After rain, the trail becomes slick and muddy. Guides are highly recommended, (Karen, Hastings).

Victoria Falls
One of the most impressive and photogenic waterfalls on the island, the Victoria Waterfall, in MorneTrois

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