Body Image Persuasive Speech

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These days teens are getting more and more self conscious how they look. I want to give you some information about how this is happening. Why is it that teenagers now look so much older than they really are? I’ve seen thirteen year olds look and dress like they are in their twenties. Now why is that? We are looking at a generation that all that matters is how they look and who they are with. Now I know it’s not all of them but it is pretty close. We think we have to dress and look a certain way to meet other people’s standards. Sadly and this is just my opinion we are getting our self worth from what people think of us. Now I’m going to give those teens a way to ignore what others think and think about themselves in the most important years of their lives. Body image has become more important that education and it needs to stop. I am going to point this article more towards teenage girls. Although I know guys are self conscious about themselves too I cannot relate to that. Girls when you look in the mirror do you see what you want to see? …show more content…

I am not one to be giving this kind of advice because its hard for me to see myself how others see me. Even thinking about that makes me cringe because I’m afraid of how others see me. But there is ways that I cope with that. One of them is believing that I am loved and cherished by so many people. Another is knowing that the ones that put us down, are secretly hurting inside and just need escape from that hurt. Next time you look in the mirror just think of one person that has honestly told you you’re beautiful or handsome. Or even one person that said they love you. Sadly if that has never happened, let me do the honors in saying your\ are so beautiful or you are so handsome, and it gets easier. Don’t ever let anyone tell you any

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