Body Image Of Barbie Research Paper

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Children are very sensitive and impressionable to the actions of their peers and those they surround themselves with. The media they are exposed to influences their development, which warrants their need for the presence of a positive role mode. Being a young child there are many options as to who may be the role model within one’s life. Whether it is a their favourite doll or superhero. Unfortunately these types of role models provide negative guidance to the younger generation. This essay will argue how Barbie is a poor representation of the ideal female due to the factors of flawed body image, then leading to an unhealthy lifestyle and neglect of more important pursuits. Through course material, and outside research this essay will demonstrate …show more content…

Growing up children always has that one toy that is their absolute favourite. Unfortunately, not always do these toys send out positive messages to the younger generation. As stated by Kuther and McDonald, “some claim that the toy represents the paradigm of adult female beauty to which young girls learn to aspire” (40). Usually when young girls want to aspire to become like their role model it has a positive impact but when these role models are sending off messages that cannot be achieved this could lead to negative outcomes. In the article Does Barbie Make Girls Want to Be Thin? The Effect of Experimental Exposure to Images of Dolls on the Body Image of 5-to 8- Year-Old Girls by Dittmar, Halliwell and Ive they state, “Barbie is so exceptionally thin that her weight and body proportions are not only unattainable but also unhealthy” (283). For young children especially young girls, playing with their dolls is a vital part of their childhood. Dittmar, Halliwell and Ive state, “The ultrathin female beauty ideal she embodies has been linked with the extraordinary prevalence of negative body image and unhealthy eating patterns among girls and women” (283). Dittmar, Halliwell and Ive conducted a study to see the psychological impact Barbie may have on young girls. They found “Given the recent conclusion that the desire for thinness emerges in girls around age 6” (Dittmar, Halliwell and Ive 283). This is a very young age for young girls to be worried about whether they are thin enough but this is happening because of the unattainable images within society. Young women are constantly pressured with the idea that if you are not thin then you are not “hot” nor “good enough”. As stated in our course notes that Barbie is commonly referred to in a general manner, Barbie’s facts are “big breasts and lips; impossible physical dimensions 36-18-38 that,

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