Bob Proctor: My Mentor

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I am undecided as to who the most important human to me is. I have many valuable people in my life who support me: parents, siblings, friends, and teachers. However, one person that has become very important to me over the last year is my mentor. Bob Proctor, a well-known author, defines a mentor as “someone who sees more talent and ability within you, than you see in yourself, and helps bring it out of you.” In this quote, Mr. Proctor accurately describes the role of a mentor in one’s life. Audra, my dance teacher, is my unofficial mentor and one of my greatest cheerleaders in life. She has influenced me in several ways: through her words of encouragement, her teaching, and her reflection of Jesus. Firstly, Audra has impacted me through her encouragement. Several times over the year, she wrote me (and my dance classmates) sweet notes, affirming my strengths and acknowledging my growth in dance. In these notes, she encouraged me to keep seeking the Lord and began to call me into the plans that He has for my life. Looking back at them and reading them throughout the week always lifts my spirits. Audra has continually believed in me and prayed for me, especially when I start to doubt myself. She has championed me this year and is always …show more content…

She is a fountain of wisdom and has so much to share. As my dance teacher, she has inspired me to truly express myself and tell stories through my movement. However, the lessons that have resonated with me the most are not about dance; Audra has invested so much into my class and me and taught us many life lessons. For example, the one thing that she wanted us to take away from her was the importance of being kind and loving others the way that Jesus loves us. She also inspired us to rise up as warriors in the spiritual realm and take hold of the authority that we have in Jesus. I have learned so much from her this year, and I hope to never forget the things that she has taught

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