Personal Narrative: My Experience With Diversity

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As I heard the gun shots outside the glass window, I ran terrified behind the old, brown couch in our living room and hide myself there. My heart beating increased, and currents of panic and fear ran through my body. I made an effort to connect my shivering hands and started praying, hoping that my mom and siblings were safe since they were out buying some groceries at the store that was five blocks away from our house. Fortunately, nothing happened to my family, they got home within an hour later after the shooting was over. Minutes later after their arrival, a neighbor came to our house warning us to stay inside the house until the police announce that things were back to “normal”. I was six years, and living in a neighborhood where there were daily confrontations due to gang violence and rivalry wasn’t easy. However, my family and I aimed for something better, and that meant moving to a new country, starting from zero, struggling economically, and gazing into my parent’s heartbroken expressions every time they couldn’t afford a new pair of shoes for me. When my family and I immigrated to the United States, I told myself that learning a new language and adapting to a whole different world with a diversity of traditions and cultures were not going to be obstacles for me. Although I knew …show more content…

That is the reason I was selected to be a mentor three consecutive years, tenth, eleventh, and twelfth grade. Every year, I get assign four students from different grade levels to help them improve academically and support them emotionally. Being a mentor has motivated me to be the best version of me; to offer a hand to those in need. Following my mother’s footsteps, I want to change and save lives through a medical career. I hope to hold that ability someday. I hope one day I become someone who inspires others to keep going, and to never give up until they accomplish their

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