Blue Eyes

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Pecola Breedlove is an African American girl who believes she is ugly and suffers the cruelty of her community and family. Her life went from being bad to worse after the traumatic events she went through. Her father, Cholly Breedlove, not only rapes her, but gets her pregnant at only eleven years old. Her mother, Pauline, full of hatred, does not help her or recognize what she is going through. Being so little and growing up in an abusive environment, Pecola does not truly know what it feels like to live in a safe home with lots of love and support. She blames that being ugly is the cause of her numerous problems and that if she were to have blue eyes it would solve them all. Pecola says “How do you do that? I mean how do you get someone to love you?” (Page 32). This shows that she is not loved by her mom or dad who should be the ones to love her the most and make her feel secure. After Cholly dies and Pecola’s unborn child dies as well, her and her mom move into a new house at the edge of town where she stays isolated and hidden from the world. ...

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