Blue Eyed Experiment

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The Brown Eyed, Blue Eyed Experiment was an experiment conducted by Jane Elliott. Jane Elliott was a anti-racism activist and educator that performed this experiment on student. Jane started these experiments after Dr. Martin Luther King was murdered. She first performed this experiment with her third-grade class. Since she has gained much publicity on her experiment changing many peoples mind set on race. This is not my first time seeing Jane Elliott speak but it is my first time seeing the Brown Eyed, Blue Eyed Experiment. At the beginning of the short film there are student waiting in a lobby or hall waiting to be told what to do next. Many don’t know what to expect or what is going on. Others just signed up to get extra credit for another class. There is a total of twenty-four students in the building. Finally, the students enter a room, are told to pick up a name tag, and sign in according to eye color. Once this …show more content…

Some did not appreciate the way experiment was conducted and were upset, even to the point some left and never returned. Elliott used real life examples of how darker skin colors are treated everyday on white people. The turnout is they didn’t like how they were being treated, so if they didn’t like how they were being treated how did they expect black people felt. In the film she was often called mean, rude, or harsh because she was in character of how black people are treated daily. She once said in the video she has no sympathy for them because there are people who have went through far worse than what they are experiencing. She used Emit Till as an example how he brutally beaten just for speaking simple word to a white woman, or how a man was beaten with a pistol and left for dead just for being gay. Even though her point was based around race, she really wanted the students to understand how society works against those who are

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