Blood Alcohol Concentration Research Paper

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Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) is a percent of your blood concentrated by alcohol. A BAC of .10 means that .1% of your blood is alcohol. Mild impairment (.00% - 0.05%) which slightly effects balance, memory, and coordination. Relaxation and sleepiness is common. Increased impairment (.06% - 0.15%). Increased risk of aggression, also speech, memory, and coordination are further impaired. Also injury risk is increased. Severe impairment (.16% - 0.3%). All previously mentioned impacts are severely impaired. Judgement and decision making is dangerously impaired. Vomiting and loss of consciousness may occur. Life threatening (.31% - .45%). Blackouts, alcohol poisoning, and even death. Any BAC higher than .31% is very dangerous all impacts previously

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