Blombos Cave Art History

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One of the prehistoric pieces that I have found is Blombos Cave Art.(70.000BCE). It is said to be one of the earliest known prehistoric African art. It is from the Mousterian of the Middle paleolithic era. The Blombos Cave is said to be on tip of South Africa. Many archaeologist use the Blombos Cave and it artifacts to study the development of modern humans. Although I don't think that it is considered cave art because it isn't on a cave wall. It's on a large piece of limestone on a cliff. The art piece that I have shows a sign for something. I feel that this piece art shows how even before pencil and paper. People found ways to express themselves creatively. All of the art during the prehistoric period showed humans hunting animals for food, maybe even clothes. In many pieces of art that presented women they were nude. This can be seen in the many different forms of the Venus or Goddess of fertility, such as Venus of Tan-Tan of Waldorf. After reading the module and researching for a piece of prehistoric art I've noticed that people during time …show more content…

(relationship) Be specific and give specific examples. After reading the module I noticed the Ancient Near ear civilization more than likely inspired the Egyptians. The reason I say this is because of the similarities. For example the People the near east build temples or tombs for their gods and goddesses. Where as the Egyptians build tombs and temples to send the souls up to the gods. Both groups seem to believe that they were descendents from the gods and they believe that the temples would help them be closer to them. Both the Egyptians and the people near east had statues made of their civilization most important figures. The especially true for Egyptians as they crafted stone palettes or statues to show who there Pharaohs were at the time of each of their reigns. For example the palette of King

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