Bless Me, In My Dreams

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Dreams occur every night. While they are not always remembered, it has been proven they transpire. So what is the importance of dreams? What do they say about a person? Antonio Marez, from Rudolfo Anaya's debut novel Bless Me, Ultima has asked himself the same questions plenty of times. Through Antonio, the author presents to the reader dreams he has throughout the novel. Rudolfo uses Tony's dreams to direct a message to the reader about life's difficulties and the struggles a person goes through during his/her lifetime.

Tony has a total of eleven dreams in the entire novel. In the beginning he is dreaming about the aspirations his parents have for him and how they clash with the opportunities being introduced to him. First he thought there was just his religion, Catholicism. Then, Ultima and her magic contradict almost all of those beliefs about God, and Florence later in the novel, who is an atheist, does not believe in anything at all. Being just under seven, in the first chapters of this novel, he is curious about everything he sees and asks everyone a lot of questions. He wants answers to the violence he sees during his childhood and constantly is being tested of his faith and inner beliefs, and his dreams reveal his torn attitudes to each of these sources. In Tony's last dream all three beliefs he has been exposed to have been annihilated, "Everything I believed in was destroyed. A painful wrenching in my heart made me cry aloud, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me!" And as the three figures departed, my pesadilla they cried out longingly. We live when you dream, Tony, we live only in your dreams- "(244). Rudolfo allows Tony at this point to realize that he cannot rely on other people telling him what to believe....

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...s any longer. We can't be tied down to old dreams" (68). Tony is confused at his Eugene's words at first, but as he continues to break away from his youth he begins to grasp the meaning of following his own dreams.

Everyone wonders at one point that they are in their lifetime at least once. Where do are they supposed to find all of the answers? There is no given place for all life's unanswered questions. After reading and experiencing Antonio's dreams throughout Rudolfo's classic Chicano tale, readers are able to relate with their own experiences and struggles they have dealt with through their lifetime. It conveys a question to all, "where is one suppose to draw the line between their own dreams and the dreams of somebody they love?" Sometimes all it takes is for one to set aside the hopes and dreams of everyone else and focus on what their heart truly desires.

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