Role Of Antonio In Bless Me Ultima

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A young boy of Hispanic decent is torn between two worlds. Both his adventures and experiences serving to be guides for interpersonal awareness. This boy is the star of a bildungsroman themed novel entitled Bless Me, Ultima. As the reader follows Antonio Juan Marez y Luna on his journey for existential understanding, they witness him transition from a young carefree adolescent to a self-content child.
Furthermore, after reading and analyzing the novel one will notice the clear internal conflict possessed by Antonio. The young protagonist finds himself entangled in a family dispute over who he should become as a man. Gabriel Marez, Antonio’s father, strongly believes that Antonio should become a man of the llano. Llano meaning flat …show more content…

Being the youngest male member of the Marez family, Antonio was born with the burden of fulfilling his parent’s dreams. In Mexican culture women and girls tend to stay inside the house, cook, clean, and do other traditionally female occupations. However, since Antonio is a male he is more inclined to go out into the world, explore, and pursue an education. In doing so, Antonio has life changing experiences that begin molding him into a ‘man’. Aside from this, Antonio possesses a closer relationship with Ultima because he is the youngest, and because he is male. Males are typically favored in Mexican households; often receiving special treatment and leniency from women, but extraordinary pressure from men. Young boys are given freedom with the expectation that they will learn to become strong, independent, hardworking and value-oriented men. This freedom nevertheless, gives Antonio opportunities and experiences not presented to his sisters; therefore, making him the star of the novel. Antonio flexes his cultural-given independence at the beginning of the novel when he has his first life-changing encounter. The altercation happens when his father goes to hunt down the man who killed the police chief. The man being hunted is named Lupito, and Antonio find himself hiding in the river where Lupito inevitably gets shot by the town’s men. Antonio listens in fear as Narisco declares, “Let …show more content…

As stated before, Antonio’s parents are divided over the man that Antonio should become. Antonio even states that he does not understand how two people so different could have ever married. Nevertheless, his mother wishes for him to bring honor to his family’s name by becoming a priest, while Antonio’s father encourages him to follow in the footsteps of his predecessors and become a man of the llano. Throughout the novel we see Antonio conflict with his parent’s desires as he seeks to find himself and develop his own aspirations. Antonio’s initial family values are to be a puppet of his parent’s creation and do whatever they want him to do. He is completely obedient to their demands and could be described as a ‘people pleaser’. This value inevitably becomes difficult to uphold due to the opposing desires of his parents. Antonio must “decide upon [his parents] importance and allow or disallow their influence as he grows into adulthood” (Klien 23). At first Antonio struggles to decide if he wants to follow one of the paths laid out for him by his parents, and if so which one. We experience Antonio feel the rush of the llano and occasionally have the spirit of a vaquero but suppress these emotions so that he may obtain his mother’s validation. The internal confusion caused by Antonio’s parents drive him find his identity and serves as

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