Black Studies Definition

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After reading The Field and Functions of Black Studies, I understand that black studies is a systematic way of studying African Americans. It is a study of the black experience and the effect of society on them and their effect within society. This discipline serves to eradicate many racial stereotypes. Black studies came into effect from minority students and their allies by performing protests and sit-ins because they felt that their cultures and interests were underserved by the traditional academic structures. However, there are many challenges when it comes down to black studies such as black studies departments being seen as non-essential and non-challenging by undergrads, being lumped together with women studies and Latino studies referring to it as: ethnic studies, and being viewed as less academically rigorous attracting careerist grad students with no background or interest in black community and development or empowerment. As James B. Stewart states “the university must become a center of applied knowledge and guidance …show more content…

Surely, it is a necessary program to be taught in schools to educate students on the black experience through political, social and legal understandings. Black studies is created from the history and development of the African American culture. DuBois stated that there are two things we must do as a community; we should completely depart from color discrimination and in order for us to improve the knowledge and we must preserve the culture and the African history as valuable as medieval and ancient civilization so we can come together and build one another up. How do we truly understand the development of Africana Studies as a field of inquiry in the modern society? We come together and piece different ideas together. Different perspectives can enrich an area of

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