Black Beauty Substance Abuse

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Ryan Thomasson 1. Abusive- Black Beauty had many abusive owners. Not only the owners, but the people around him were abusive. Dick was a plow boy who would throw rocks at him. This is important to the book because they push the horses when they are tired. One time Samson worked ginger so hard she could not go any longer. 2. Gaily- When black beauty was with Farmer Grey he would roam the fields gaily. This owner was probably the best one he had. He had a lot of different owners. Lady W did not care about the horses. She would keep the reigns tight and it would be uncomfortable for the horses. Here he did not act gaily. 3. Amiable- Black Beauty was an amiable horse. Whatever owner he had he did his best. When he worked as a taxi horse he would do his best and respected his driver. Even when Lady W would have the …show more content…

Sad- This book is sad because horses die. Rob Roy was one of the horses that died. He died from going on a hunting trip. George Gordon also died on a hunting trip. 8. Intelligent- I never realized how smart horses were. In ever thought that they actually had feelings and thought just like humans. When Black Beauty’s reigns were too tight he made a big scene about it. This just showed me how much there was to learn about horses. 9. Reliable- Horses are reliable animals. We rely on animals to take us place to place and to work out in the fields with us. Horses are very respectful. They will stop when u command them to. In black beauty he went as fast as he could to get to the doctor. 10. Considerate- Horses are very considerate. When black beauty was told to stop he would stop. When he was told to go fast, he went fast. When they went to the doctor he went fast because it was an emergency. I thought that this book was confusing. It was confusing because there were too many characters. Some of the characters would be in the book for just one chapter. Sometimes they would leave then come back later in the story. Over all I did not like the

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