Bipolar Disorder Research Paper

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Bipolar Disorder

The word Bipolar means two extremes. Life is split by two different realities, elation and and depression. Bipolar is a mental health condition that causes episodes of changing mood swings from depressive lows to manic highs. When their mood shifts to mania or hypomania, it makes you feel euphoric, full of energy or unusually irritable. These mood swings can affect sleep, energy, activity, judgment, behavior and the ability to think clearly. Episodes of mood swings may occur rarely or multiple times a year, most people experience emotional symptoms in between while others may not experience any at all. There’s two different types of episodes, Manic Episodes and Depressive Episodes. A Manic Episode, sometimes they feel much more happier, energetic, and more active than usual. A Depressive Episode, they feel every sad and down, have little energy and lack of activeness. Bipolar Disorder isn’t like normal ups and downs everyone gets, they’re more extreme. The mood swings come along with changes in sleep, energy level, and the ability to think clearly. The symptoms are so strong …show more content…

However, getting treatment at the earliest sign of a mental health disorder can help prevent bipolar disorder or other mental health conditions from worsening. Pay attention to warning signs. Addressing symptoms early on can prevent episodes from getting worse. You may have identified a pattern to your bipolar episodes and what triggers them. Call your doctor if you feel you're falling into an episode of depression or mania. Involve family members or friends in watching for warning signs. Avoid drugs and alcohol. Using alcohol or recreational drugs can worsen your symptoms and make them more likely to come back. Take your medications exactly as directed. You may be tempted to stop treatment but don't. Stopping your medication or reducing your dose on your own may cause withdrawal effects or your symptoms may worsen or

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