Biology Personal Statement Essay

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For as long as I can remember, I have always had an interest in science, particularly biology. I was first taught how to read with The Human Body Book by Steve Parker, and once I was able to read proficiently, I devoured the book, spending much of my free time reading and learning about the systems of the body. I was particularly interested in the parts of the book discussing the neurological and reproductive systems, since as a child I was interested in the origin of life and consciousness - questions such as “How do people come to be?” and “How do people think?” intrigued me greatly. I have always viewed science as a source of enjoyment: I have fond memories of watching shows such as The Blue Planet and Life for hours when I was 7 years old. When I first discovered CrashCourse Biology as a third grader, I watched a video about evolution and natural selection no less than four times, fascinated by how such a process could so perfectly explain the diversity and similarities of life. From sixth grade and beyond, I enjoyed reading Psychology Today articles, particularly ones about the subjects of neuropsychology and evolutionary psychology. And when I managed to sneak my iPad into my bed at night, I often watched many SciShow and Discovery News videos on Youtube. …show more content…

I am extremely lucky to have had a wonderful biology teacher that has greatly enhanced my understanding of and passion for biology. Whenever he and I both have time after school or during lunch, I ask him a series of questions I have accumulated from reading various popular science articles and the material being taught in class. Not only do we both enjoy these “question sessions” immensely, but I also learn a great deal of material not taught in class as a result. Furthermore, having to frequently come up with questions forces to me to realize how much I do not know and pushes me to learn

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