Biological Vs Biological Psychology Essay

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Psychology is interesting because it deals with problems that arise from everyday situations that affect a lot of people. Some problems that arise are depressions, eating disorders, and even over compulsive disorders. There are multiple fields of psychology each having different specialties. The fields of psychology range from biological psychology to environmental psychology each differing majorly from each other. There is a large multitude of psychological disorders each one of them can be treated through the use of different psychological methods. These methods vary from the use of therapy in combination with medication to a change in thinking or environment. While the therapy helps alleviate symptoms of their disorder through talking I prefer a biological psychology approach. Biological psychology relates to the use of different biology methods in order to help understand human behavior. Another important aspect of biopsychology is the study of the nervous system as well as how the brain functions and how those systems functions affect human behavior. In order to treat depression the treatment received varies upon which type of psychologist you go to. This variety of different types of treatments is what makes psychology such …show more content…

These fields of psychology include discipline but not limited to fields such as clinical, behavioral, and biological each have different approaches to different problems. Each field of psychology has different methods of treating disorders such as depression, eating disorders and over compulsive disorder. These disorders themselves are interesting as well as how they originate and how they are treated through treatments of talk therapy and medication. While I personally focus and believe more in a biological approach to psychological disorders due to its practical and affirmative

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