Exploring the Controversies of Biological Determinism

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The basic principle of biological determinism is to search for a biological mechanism that explains a human behaviour or a form of society. (Little, McGivern n.d., p.93) Biological mechanisms can be gene’s, instinctual behaviour, or evolutionary advantages. (Little, McGivern n.d., p.93) The first step of biological determinism is to identify a trait that occurs throughout time and different cultures. Secondly, they search for the universal trait which is believed to be coded in the DNA of those who share the trait. Lastly, researchers develop a theory as to how the trait serves an evolutionary advantage. (Little, McGivern n.d. p.93) The issue with biological determinism is that it is difficult for a biological mechanism to account for the wide variety and circumstances and social phenomena. (Little, McGivern n.d., p.94) The trait of intelligence it is difficult to explain due to the variations of intelligence: logic, linguistic, musical, as well as social intelligence. These mechanisms also do not account for the circumstances of intelligence. For instance, certain individuals are socially intelligent at bars or other get-togethers, though they may struggle at maintaining intimate relationships. These issues with biological determinism …show more content…

However, it is difficult for biological mechanism to account for the wide variety of social phenomenon and circumstances. The new-eugenics movement, however, has found a practical use for biological determinism, by uncovering mechanisms that lead to disease and disabilities. It is important to understand that the conclusions drawn from these experiments are extremely broad to avoid creating stereotypes and prejudices. Biological determinism may be limited in predicting human behaviour, however, with careful experimentation, it can uncover predispositions to disease and disability allowing for preemptive medical

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