Biblical Worldview Research Paper

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A worldview, like a roadmap, sets our direction and guides us through life. “Like wind blowing through the trees, it cannot be seen, yet it enlivens and animates. A worldview infuses a community with life and establishes its dynamic. It says, “This is who we are”” (Miller, 2001 p. 40). It shapes how we assess life, death, relationships, money, as well as major cultural movements and changes in the complexion of civilization. A Biblical worldview is an outlook of the world that perceives everything, God, Satan, self, and others via the lens of the Bible. A Christian’s view of the world is comprised of numerous Biblical elements. It begins in Genesis 1:1 and ends in Revelations 22:21. It explains the reason for the universe, mankind’s purpose, and Jesus’ mission to redeem the lost who have been cut off from God because of their sins (Isaiah 59:2). This view shows us how God can use evil for His own good (Genesis 50: 20). According to the Biblical worldview, God’s moral nature is unchanging and absolute. His Word is of utmost importance, as it details the difference between good and evil. Things such as murder, lying, and adultery are all condemned while virtue, holiness, truth, and righteousness are exalted. C.S. Lewis said, “Good and evil …show more content…

One such way is through the actions of an individual and their interaction with people. A person with a Christian worldview in the business world should look, sound, and behave different than a person who has any other worldview. “Christian business leaders are models of moral behavior, they are responsible to articulate and carry the vision for the organization, they are responsible to maintain open communication, they are responsible for team building, they are responsible to create an environment that encourages and facilitates growth and creativity, also they must manage the functions and procedures of an organization.” (Chewning, Eby, & Roels,

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