Biblical Worldview Essay

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My life has always been complicated, yet, at the same time God has been noticeably present in every situation to make me who I am today. When I was five, my dad was diagnosed with an incurable cancer and it filled much of my childhood with fear, loneliness, and confusion. A year ago my whole house was flooded and we had to evacuate for months. Even now, I still struggle with my own personal health challenges and depression. To say the least, God has used many bad things in my life to reveal himself and show me the gifts he has given to me. Many of my hardships dragged me down into a spot of hopelessness and deep darkness. I felt lost and angry about the situations in my life. I was put into therapy to be able to work out my frustrations, but …show more content…

When God is the priority, everything else will fall in line correctly. The worldview indicator what is ultimate reality, has meant a lot to me because it shows the awesome character of God. Because he is a sovereign, all knowing God but also a caring, loving father, he is different than any other god that humanity has created. Knowing that God wants the best for my life and can sovereignly take action to do it is amazing to me; especially through my Dad’s cancer. God’s huge sacrifice and love for creatures of little value is jaw dropping. His character always stays the same and will never change. The second worldview indicator that is important to me is what is humanity. Because God exists, humanity has a purpose and reason for existing. Because of God’s character, humanity is only important because of the value God places on human beings. I have struggled with depression and inward battles of negativity about myself for a long time, but God has shown me that I am beautiful inside and out; I am worthy of love because of Christ replacing my ugliness for his perfect nature. One verse that I have loved for a long time is Psalm 116:1-2. “I love the Lord, because he has heard my voice and my pleas for mercy. Because he inclined his ear to me, therefore I will call on him as long as I live.” Humanity is important, and valuable. God doesn’t have to …show more content…

I appreciate this piece for many reasons. The first one is its dark nature but proclamation of hope. It’s night time yet the sky is alive with stars and lights from buildings all glimmering with light. It’s calm but one can see the turmoil written deep inside. Van Gogh suffered a lot in his life and his release was painting. This painting was painted while he was in the asylum before he died so even though he was in a dark place in his life, this artwork reflects that he found peace. Another aspect of the artwork is it’s broken strokes. They are deliberate but broken; they don’t blend but are separate to create the whole. To me, the dark and light strokes can also mean seasons in life. Some are tough but some are also enjoyable and they all have their place in life just like they do in this artwork. This piece of art ultimately reflects hope even in the darkest of nights. This piece touches me because of the many dark places in my own life but just like the Bible reminds people, there is hope even in the hardest places in life. Vincent Van Gogh’s piece, “Starry Night” displays hope even in the dark seasons of life, and each aspect of making, painting, and where it was painted shows

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