Bible Reflection

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Question: What is the purpose of the Bible and how can this be defended? Reflection: The purpose of the Bible is to be the medium of His revelation to us. God used the means of words to communicate his special revelation to His creatures. The Word is addressed to every type of person. God reveals to us what will happen to us if we are a Jew, gentile, Christian, Pagan etc. It is his means of communication to us. Which is why it is important for us to learn the language that it was original written in. If someone were to write you a love letter in Spanish, and you had to translate it into English, you would not understand the full essence of what that person wrote to you. God has written us the “love letter” in a sense and it is important …show more content…

And our purpose as humans, is to worship and glorify our Creator. Not to be autonomous, not to feel good, not to be the most successful but to only glorify our Creator. The purpose of the bible is for God to communicate to his creations how to worship Him. Throughout the bible God is giving His will to his people. The people of Israel, the Jews, the Gentiles, were given the will of God, through prophets, Moses, Abraham, Jesus Christ and so on. We are given the word of God. Since we are fallen creatures and fully depraved we need to follow God’s will that he gives up. And when we disobey and turn against God, he has the redemptive plan for us so that we still maintained saved. The Bible’s purpose is to communicate God’s redemptive message. That is the reason that the old testament has Messianic allusions or foreshadowing. It prophesies the plan that God has to save us from our own depravity. Although, the world has fallen and Satan has overtaken the world for the time being, we are still able to choose God’s …show more content…

We are as valuable as dust on our own. We are not able to do anything that is not done in vain on our own. There is a total dependency on God that is needed even when we are at the peak of our works or “spirituality”, And this is the purpose of a good majority of the bible. Because we as humans have a tendency to try and do it all on our own. We become so prideful in our ways and think that we can survive on lead this life on our own, by our own means and by our own

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