Beveridge Model Of Health Care

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Health care is a very important issue that not only affects people in the United States but people all around the world. Everybody needs health care in some point in their life. It may be in their elderly years, mid-twenties, or even in their childhood years. Some of the major benefits of health care that people can be provided with is prescription drugs, outpatient care, and even lab tests (Health care benefits). Another, basic benefit that could help people health care can be provided at home. Health care can be provided in your own home which is helpful for those who can’t make it to health care services in time. This is very convenient because not only are people being cared for but they are risking their chances of a healthy secure life. …show more content…

There are four major basic models of health care. Those four basic models are the Beveridge Model, the Bismarck Model, The National Health Insurance Model, and the Out-of-Pocket Model (PNHP). The Beveridge Model is a model named after William Beveridge (PNHP). This system is financed by the government through tax payments (PNHP). Some countries that used this plan is Great Britain, Spain, and even New Zealand (PNHP). Bismarck Model was named for a Chancellor named Otto Von Bismarck (PNHP). This model uses an insurance system which is a system financed by employers and employees through payroll deduction (PNHP). The National Health Insurance Model was a system mixed of both the Bismarck and Beveridge Model (PNHP). This model plans to control costs caused by limiting the medical services that people will pay for or make the patients wait to be treated (PNHP). Lastly, the Out-of-Pocket Model is a model made for the countries that don’t have health care. In the Industrial countries 40 out of 200 countries have established health care systems (PNHP). So there are a lot of types of health care systems that our society and other people around the world can …show more content…

Developmental effects usually happen when something happens during the process of developing an offspring. Some examples of these effects is childhood obesity, autism, and even down syndrome. Childhood obesity is a serious medical condition that affects children and adolescents (Mayo Clinic). This disorder can usually be caused by eating habits, lack of exercise, and even from family factors (Mayo Clinic). Some of the risk factors or complications you can have while being obesity is diabetes, sleep disorders, and asthma (Mayo Clinic). In addition, another developmental effect is autism. Autism is a disorder that affects brain development (Autism Speaks). This disorder is has some major symptoms like mood disorders, social challenges, anxiety, and even language impairment (Autism Speaks). Among of these disorders the most common is down syndrome. Down Syndrome is a type of disorder when someone is born with an extra chromosome (Nemours). This disorder causes them to have a hard time learning, slow development, and have a hard time socializing (Nemours). So developmental effects should be one of the major issues that healthcare should

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