Between Shades Of Gray Character Analysis

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In 19th century 4th decade in this system were around 15 million slaves, a huge work force, which probably was never used by any capitalist organization. However, nobody doubts enormity of labour camps, opposite, it is believed that there were even more ‘starvelings’ as it was such a huge mass that some deads were not even documented. Despite terrible conditions, there are people who managed to survive this dreadful experience. Therefore, it is interesting to look at the stories of exiles to find out how they life changed in labour camps and to explore if it was possible to keep same cultural habits as before exile. One of those stories is written by American-Lithuanian novelist Ruta Sepetys book “Between Shades of Gray”. This historical fiction novel is based on interviews on Baltic States people survivors. Descision to write a novel, rather than a nonfiction volume was councious as a way of getting a …show more content…

One of the good examples to iliustrate such a phenomena is Lina‘s passion for art, in particular painter Edward Munch. She draws pictures of people and events leading by hope that they can reach her separated father. Therefore, such form of art can be seen not only as simple expression of culture but as a tool for comunnication between prisoners. Probably most of us would agree that due to the harsh conditions in labor camps it is hard to maintain cultural life as it was before. On the other hand, the forms of culture and art might adjust circumstantes and serve as a form of communication or even resistance to Stalinism which I would like to do more research

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