Bernie Sanders Argumentative Essay

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Representing Vermont in the House of Representatives for 16 years, from 1991 to 2006, and in the Senate since January 4, 2007, Bernie Sanders is the longest serving Independent in U.S. congressional history. Sanders ran for president in the 2016 election for the Democratic Party, and as a self-identified “democratic socialist,” his positions on social issues are very left of center. Bernie Sanders has a long history of fighting for LGBT equality. By the 1980s, Sanders was considered an ally to gay activists, and in June of 1983, he approved a resolution that declared June 25 to be Gay Pride Day. He strongly opposed the Clinton Administration’s “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy, which was instituted in 1994. In 1996, Bernie opposed the federal …show more content…

During his presidential campaign, Bernie has stated that he will appoint Supreme Court justices who support Roe v. Wade and women’s reproductive rights. He advocates for the expansion protection of reproductive rights by increasing funding for Planned Parenthood and the Title X family planning program. In 1993, Sanders co-sponsored the Freedom of Choice Act, which intended to stop states from restricting the right to “terminate pregnancy before fetal vitality, or at any time when the termination is necessary to protect a woman’s health.” In 2009, Bernie supported the Prevention First Act, which increases funding for family planning and access to birth control and tried to prevent STDs and unwanted pregnancies. He was also a cosponsor of the Protect Women’s Health from Corporate Interference Act of 2014, which ensured an employee’s independence in making decisions about contraception and other health services. This bill also guarantees that women have access to contraceptive coverage through employment-based insurance, and prevents employers from refusing to insure health coverage including birth control. Fighting for pay equity, Sanders also outlined his plan to increase the minimum wage to $15 per hour by 2020 and raise the tipped minimum wage to $15 per hour by 2023. Women make up over 2/3 of all minimum wage workers and tipped workers. Bernie is a co-sponsor of the …show more content…

His policy initiatives included “whistleblower visas to workers who report abuse and employer violations, humanitarian parole to ensure the return of unjustly deported immigrants and unify broken families, and health coverage for immigrants under the Affordable Care Act.” In 2007, Sanders opposed the immigration bill from then-Senator Kennedy and Senator McCain, asserting that it would “drive down wages for lower-income workers.” The guest-worker program that was proposed in this bill would allow foreign workers to enter the United States in two-year periods, but “force them to leave for a year in between each renewal.” It gave these workers limited protections. Bernie worked with Republican Senator Grassley on a restrictive immigration amendment, banning companies “that have laid off workers en masse from being approved for new worker visas.” In 2013, he voted for the 2013 bill for lower-skilled immigrant workers, an agreement between labor and the United States Chamber of Commerce; he hoped to see improvements in the guest-worker programs that hurt American jobseekers. Sanders’ position on immigration is less aggressive compared to his Democratic competitors Hillary Clinton,

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