Bermuda Triangle Conspiracy

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The Bermuda Triangle or also known as the Devils triangle as many people like to call it, there has been many discussing, conspiracy, and many have talked about it as well. The Bermuda triangle is known to cover up to 500,000 square ft. Its 3 places Bermuda, Miami, and Puerto Rico. The Bermuda triangle has many theories towards it, and hides many secrets that nobody can explain or have heard of. Yet theirs many people who can’t believe to either know if it’s real or fake. The first person to really discover it was Christopher Columbus, he had reported a strange fire as if a meteor had hit the ocean, and he also wrote down that his compass was marking strange signals as he sailed through it. On his first sail to the New World. Many believe that the Bermuda Triangle is just big lie, many say that they disappear because of the Gulf Stream that occurs there, also while being in the Bermuda triangle the compass points truly to North which is not normal since it’s the only place in the world where it does it. Some people also say there is a lot of UFO mysteries that involve all the disappearing of boats and planes. …show more content…

Navy Avenger torpedo-bombers was having compass failures and back up one to by the afternoon around 6:20pm the last time the crew was heard at the radio who was telling his crew to ditch the aircrafts. Due to low fuel , since then they send 13 Marine Rescue Crew out to the sea to search the Sea’s at 7:20 a tank reported an explosion that was in the directions of the Bermuda since then nothing was ever heard or seen again. The disappearance of 13 men were stranded in the mysterious triangle. This was known the first aircraft to disappear in this

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