Benjamin Franklin: The Greatest Man Of The World

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Benjamin Franklin

Benjamin Franklin was a man of many talents; in fact, he had so many talents that Thomas Jefferson called him “the greatest man of the age and country in which he lived." When someone as brilliant as Thomas Jefferson calls you the greatest then you are something special. Benjamin Franklin was a writer, printer, inventor, a statesman, and a great scientist just to name a few accomplishments Franklin achieved while he was alive. Benjamin Franklin not only improved the lives of the people of the world with his brilliant mind, his ideas and inventions still benefit the world over 270 years later. (Block, 2006)
Benjamin Franklin’s first invention was a stove or a fireplace this invention in my opinion is one of his finest. The Pennsylvania Fireplace as it was called at the time would not only improve on the …show more content…

Most people growing up have seen the iconic image of Franklin and his son holding the string of a kite while in a thunderstorm. This experiment allowed him to prove the electrical nature of lightening by trapping it in a jar. Another great invention of his was the lightening rod which would allow a building or structure to take a lightening strike and not burn to the ground. The theory behind this invention was to have a pointed metal rod pointed into the air and have a wire attached to it running to the ground. Doing this would allow the electricity from the lightening strike to follow the wire and safely into the ground. These rods are still being utilized today on all types of structures (Chaplin, 2007).
While Benjamin Franklin was a great inventor and scientist, he was also a statesman and Founding Father to this great nation. He was a diplomat that and a key figure in obtaining peace with Great Britian. He was a postmaster general and helped reshape the postal service making it more efficient and

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