Benefits Of Title IX

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Title IX: Support of women, but harming men? Signed and passed in 1972 by President Richard Nixon, Title IX was adopted and gave women of various ages and race the opportunity to participate in sport as well as in education. It includes new sports and schooling by adding programs dedicated to women. Title IX provided equal or greater opportunity than men in both sports and education. It may have supported women in many ways, but does it harm men’s sports and education as well? In 1970 only 1 in 27 girls participated in high school sports, today that ratio is 1 in 3. Sports are a very important part of the American society and especially for men as well, but in the 1970’s things changed for women all thanks to Title IX. One of the most important …show more content…

This does not mean that money should be split between both men and women sports because some sports such as football require more equipment than say a women’s sport such as soccer, which the only major piece of equipment is a ball. Also let's say that boy’s baseball team has 17 players and the girls softball team only has 9, a college can not cancel the girls team just because they are imbalanced, and have fewer players. Many school are only marginally compliant and then only because Title IX Officers keep pressure on institutions to follow the law. Even though they keep pressuring it, it still becoming a problem to women today. Forty years later people still argue that it's not right that women sports get ALMOST as much funding as men do. Now there are more women on college campuses than men, so hopefully proportional funding may mean spending more money on women's sports than men’s. If refused to follow Title IX, universities have to face the consequences. If receive any federal assistance, result may be that they will stop funding you and if found in noncompliance, you will have thirty days to fix it or the Federal Agency will write you up, and also stop funding (Title IX). If believed on what was thought to violate Title IX but did not, you can take it to court and have the judge review your …show more content…

For the same reason, it existence is necessary and requires a greater effort to enforce gender equality for continued progress. Increased female participation in sports and Title IX has changed the political position of girls and young women. Both have challenged and continued to destroy myths that women are inferior to men. they fight stereotypes that women do not have interest in traditionally male-dominated activities. By breaking down these barriers, female opportunities can only to continue to

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