Benefits Of Legalizing Marijuana

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Should Marijuana be Legalized?
The legalization of marijuana has been a great controversy in today's society, especially with what seems to be a sudden uproar of the usage of the drug. On one side of the spectrum, people feel as if marijuana does no harm to users of it whatsoever, and on the other side, people feel it causes many problems both mental and physical. Before digging too deep into the facts, what is marijuana? Well, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, marijuana is a mixture of the dried flowers of cannabis sativa. Marijuana contains a psychoactive chemical called THC, which is the reason people seek this drug, mainly because it is mind-altering and contains that “high” they are seeking. Marijuana should not be legalalized. …show more content…

CNBC claims that the legalization of marijuana is similar to gambling. Its risky, and we cant estimate what the outcome may be. It could be negative or positive, and in this case it is almost certain the outcome will be in fact negative. Anyone who advocates for the legalization of marijuana fails to recognize that the effects will be costly. Even more easily accessible marijuana will cause for less attentive students and workers. Anyone abusing the drug will have a harder time focusing than anyone who is …show more content…

Driving under the influence of anything is a risk to everyone around you. Marijuana is no acception either, when people are high they are iirrational, they hallucinate, and may not even realize it all at once, or until after their high is already over. Marijuana is illegal for a reason. It puts mankind at risk. It risks the lives of us, our children, our family, and our friends. We all know of too many people who have lost loved ones to drugs, and it all starts here, with marijuana. People don’t like to hear it, but it’s the ugly truth. Once people start, it is vey hard to stop. How can we call ourselves responsible and for some of us good parents if we advocate legalalized marijuana? It wont just stop at marijuana, it could continue on with even worse drugs such as cocaine, meth, and heroin. We cannot be a nation that is okay with these risks that come with the decision of legalizing marijuana. If we as a nation decided to legalize the use of marijuana, we are putting ourselves, our children, and our country at risk. We will no longer be the land of the free and the home of the brave, we will be the land of the addicted, and the home of the people who were too coward to put a stop to this

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