Behavior Change: One Of The Tenets Of Personal Development

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One of the tenets of personal development is to bring about a behavior change. If you want to develop yourself, you need to change your behavior to some degree. It is not necessarily overhauling yourself, but it's still a change. The whole reason of self-improvement is to improve upon what you are. Some of things are not working for you, because the necessary behavior is absent. Or you just want to improve upon things. And you need new skills to achieve this improvement. Behavior change could also mean learning new skills. When you learn new skill and actually apply new skills, the behavior change has taken place With this change, you exploit the benefits of the new skills. So how does one change behavior? At the root of changing behavior is our capacity of self-discipline. …show more content…

But if you do those things anyway, what is the point of the knowledge? Personal development experts will tell you this: you have to set goals, divide tasks into sub tasks, prioritize tasks, write journals and have a positive attitude in spite of setbacks. But if you don't have self-discipline to put all this advice into action, you won't succeed! And it may lead you to blame that expert advice doesn't work. What is self-discipline though? It's the eternal conflict between the dual self. We always have a self who is conscious about long-term goals. He gets and remembers what is the right thing to do for us. Then we have the other self which is impulsive and indulgent. This other self is always getting distracted towards the guilty pleasures that we should not explore. This other self is the one which blocks us from taking the initiative that we really should take. The impulsive self is wanting a sweet treat, be lazy and just watch TV. While the better self is aware that those are bad things. And one should really be eating healthy in general, exercising and focusing on making that phone call and writing that

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