Importance Of Self Discipline

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There is a great deal of power in the mental state known as discipline and it is a power that a person can use to their advantage when moving forward in the growth and development of their life. But before that power can be made use of, it has to be chosen voluntarily.

Self-discipline is important if you want to create the kind of life you want. At the most basic level, self-discipline is the ability to do what is right even if you don’t feel like doing it. Self-discipline is the ability to overcome your perceived weakness and the capability to pursue what you want even when people around you or your own inner insecurities attempt to disrupt you. Self-discipline is not what we can choose to acquire overnight; it is what we cultivate over time. …show more content…

In fact, it is something that a person chooses for themselves rather than have it forced upon them by someone else. Because it is personally chosen, it takes on the aspect of a driving, attractive force for good that is readily accepted and acted upon.

Talent loses expression without discipline. Talent alone is not enough. A person must have talent plus character. I noticed a useful talent in a young man, so I recommended him to a friend 's company. He was employed without delay and he got opportunities based on recommendation. What came as a shock was that few days later, he was fired. I asked my friend that didn 't he find his talent useful? He answered, "Talent is great, but loses expression without discipline." I know a lot of talented people who are not disciplined, but the point everyone misses is that talent loses its expression without

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