Before I Got My Eye Put Out Emily Dickinson

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Before I got my eye out and we grow accustomed to the dark are 2 poems written by Emily Dickinson.The 2 poems are about the light and dark we grow accustomed to the dark is about how Emily Dickinson use to being in complete darkness before I got my eye put out is a poem about a blind women's desire to utilize her vision once more.

Before I got my eye put out is a poem about Emily Dickinson explaining what her life was like befor she lost her visual acuity.In the poem she talks about all the mountains,forests and meadows she would look at with her eyes and she also reminisced on the time she could still use her eyesight.In the text she says "before I got my eye put out I like as well to see as other creatures that have eyes and know no other way"metaphorically this poem could be about losing someying that's important in life and wanting it to come back this is why Emily Dickinson depicts the beautiful scenery she would look at if she still had her eye.Maybe the poem is trying to shed light on the things people take for granted such as eyesight because troughout the poem Emily

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