Emily Dickinson I Died For Beauty

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In the poem I DIED for beauty, but was scarce by Emily Dickinson; In line 1 scarce is translated to insufficient for the demand (lacking) or rare. Line 1 is saying that the person who died wanted to die for her beauty but couldn’t quite reach it or that he/she wanted to meet that expected beauty espect at the time but like everybody else couldn’t match up. In line 2, tomb is translated to an enclosure for a corpse cut in the earth or a monument to the memory of a dead person, erected over their burial place. Line 2 is saying just before he/she was going to get comfortable something was about to occur; but on the other hand line 2 could mean that the names had just recently been placed on the tomb. In line 3, lain is translated to past participle …show more content…

Line 4 is saying the same as line 3, that a name was recently inscribed next to the first tomb. In line 5, failed is translated to to dwindle, pass, or die away; to fall short of success. Line 5 is saying he asked quietly why she died so earlier than what is the average death age. In line 6, beauty is translated in the informal way; to a particular advantage. Line 6 she says that she died for beauty but that could also mean she died for an advantage in life because she didn’t like her own. In line 7, truth is translated to the true or actual state of a matter; line 7 is saying he became his true self dead or death and that the two are the same. In line 8, brethren translated to fellow members; line 8 is saying that they both died and lived the same maybe not exactly the same but they are one in the same. Line 9 is saying that as two names placed next to each other at night met and got to know each other. Line 10 is saying they communicated threw the stone of the tomb to each other. Line 11 and 12 is saying that as time grew and passed on moss that is actually living made them fade away into time by covering their

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