Be The Change: Human Trafficking

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Human trafficking is a very big problem in the United States but there is not very much awareness for it, even with 100,000 children estimated to be in the sex trade in the United States each year. Human trafficking is a criminal industry that is driven based on the supply and demand. It is fueled by the need for cheap workers and commercial sex. A human trafficker is someone who victimizes others to make a profit. This market thrives because there is a low risk of getting in trouble, and has high profits. There are people who are willing to buy commercial sex and they are making the market. They make it profitable for the human traffickers. It is low risk because there is little awareness to the issue. People do not know how to deal with the problem when it happens. There is no help for the victims of the trafficking. Law enforcement is not investigating and prosecuting the crimes, so there is no reason for those who do it to not continue. Left unchecked, human trafficking will proceed to thrive in situations where traffickers can receive considerable financial increases with low danger of being caught. (Polaris Project) Human trafficking is an American problem. It is mostly seen as a foreign problem, but it is happening here. It is one of the fastest growing criminal industries. 85% of sex trafficking victims are American citizen. (Human Trafficking) In the United States alone, it generates $9.5 billion yearly. 300,000 children are at risk of being prostituted. The average age of beginning to prostitute a child is 13-14 years old. One in three teens will be lured towards prostitution within 48 hours of running from home. (Sex Trafficking Statistics & Source Documentation) It is estimated that 2.5 million people are being traffic... ... middle of paper ... ...ticut. “Human Trafficking.” Covenant House. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Oct. 2013. . “Human Trafficking: The Facts.” Global Initiative to fight Human Trafficking. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Oct. 2013. . Levy, Rachel, et al., eds. “Great Debate: Human Trafficking.” The Morningside Post. Columbia, 4 Dec. 2012. Web. 22 Oct. 2013. . Polaris Project. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Oct. 2013. . “Sex Trafficking Statistics & Source Documentation.” The Covering House. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Oct. 2013. .

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