Battle Of Verdun Research Paper

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Battles, wars, and fights are all the same, in the sense that they all are absolutely terrifying for those involved. That terror is what the soldiers and generals of the Battle of Verdun felt. By knowing what the Battle of Verdun was, the generals of the battles, and both of the war parties and their intentions. One can truly see the horrors of war.

Verdun is a big town located near the border of Germany and France. It was a big choke point for the French, and if it was lost they were sure to lose. In the end France was invaded and taken over, but this was a very big setback for the German Army (Stock1). Verdun history, Verdun was a Gallic fortress before Roman times. It was there, in 843, that three grandsons of Charlemagne separated his empire, in the Treaty of Verdun. Conquered by Germanic invaders in the 10th century, it was later connected with Metz and Toul to form the Trois-Évêchés (Three Bishoprics) territory (History 1). In 1552 the French king Henry II took over the three bishoprics, and France’s ownership was confirmed in 1648 by the Peace of Westphalia. In 1792 Verdun was besieged by the Prussians and yielded only a few weeks before the French victory at Valmy (History 1) The Prussians seized it again in 1870 and held it until 1873. With the loss of Alsace-Lorraine to the German Empire in 1871, the German frontier was fixed barely 30 miles away. In …show more content…

Many of the men didn't even die to bullets, but infection. According to, Trench foot, a gangrenous condition caused by standing in unsanitary water and mud over long periods, was common (History 1). The Battle of Verdun was the longest and costliest battle of WWI. The battle also contained some of the greatest generals from World War 1. According to Stock and other historians, The Battle of Verdun, was and is, known as one of the most famous battles of all time. Fun Fact: It is the 2nd most famous battle to ever be put into fiction novels (Stock

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