Batman Vs Superman Research Paper

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Batman vs Superman Batman and superman both are comic book heroes. They were created in between the period of 1930 to 1940. Both batman and superman are the real heroes and role model for the young generation in today’s world. Even when I was kid I also liked them a lot. There are many stories, books and films has made on both of them. So there are lot of similar characteristics and other things which distinguish both of these heroes to each other.
Batman and superman are similar in many ways, both of them have same gender. Both of them have same mission “save people and save world” from bad evils. So both of the comic book heroes try to save people from the bad evils by any possible ways. The third similarity is both of the heroes don’t kill their enemies but both have different approaches to deal with the enemies. This is true that both the superheroes do not kill their enemies. Superman don’t kill the people because of his supernatural powers, and he believes that his power is not above than the law and order. By doing that he also sends a good message in the society. Just like superman batman also don’t kill …show more content…

The first one is supernatural powers. In simple words superman uses his powers and weapons to fight against crime and batman don’t use any weapons and superpowers. Which means superman is overpowered than batman. The second difference is superman loves to done the job by his own. He don’t rely on other people for any additional help. Whereas, not occasionally, but sometimes batman looks for the side kick. Moreover, Batman has a unique style to fight against crime. He goes to crime full city and kill the cancer using his brain. Whereas superman instead of hunting down the bad people, superman reacts to every situation and emergency and always try to save the life of innocent people. Basically, different style of justice separate batman and superman from each

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