Batman: The Evolution of a Superhero

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Batman is an American fictional superhero in comic books published by DC Comics.
It was created by Bob Kane and Bill Finger. Batman's first comic was the lead story in 1939's Detective Comics #27. Accordingly Batman is known as Bruce Wayne. Bruce Wayne choose the name batman because when he was young bats would swarm him and he was terrified. To overcome that fear he named himself Batman. He was inspired to become batman when he was working one day and a bat flew into a window. Bruce became Batman at the age of 25 and then Robin came shortly after at the age of 12 when Bruce was 26. Then 6 years later Robin left Bruce to become his own hero leaving Bruce at the age of 32. Robin is known as Batman's sidekick. Batmans suit is bullet and fireproof. …show more content…

I don't really think he would ever either unless he had an injury and needed to get better sooner. Bruce Wayne on the other hand might have consumed alcohol before but he definitely does not tell people that. Batman films are suppose to be positive and are meant for kids. There should not be anything negative in it that can harm anyone.
Batman is a very popular character and has many responsibilities. Since Batman used to have anger disorders and trouble sleeping most people assumed he has PTSD. PTSD stands for posttraumatic stress disorder. Also, PTSD makes you have flashbacks and Bruce Wayne said he used to have flashbacks of his parents all the time when they died. Based on all the saving Batman has done i would have stress too. It is a big responsibility to save someone and protect the community, especially when everyone knows you and is looking up to you.
Although Batman didn't have a communicable or chronic disease he was a perfect superhero for ill children. Batman has a perfect life except he wants his parents back and all the pain of them to go away. Batman did have a bruise,broken and hurt body from all the battles he fought in but through it all he learned to live with the pain because he didn't want to take medication. Batman is a hero that everyone

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