Batman: Superhero or Vigilante?

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While walking through my local comic shop, Rocking Rooster, I overheard the shops owners talking about their favorite superheroes. One of the men made a claim that his favorite superhero will always have to be Batman. I thought to myself in no possible way can batman be considered a superhero. When compared to real heroes such as Superman or Wonder Woman, Batman just doesn’t hold up. A real superhero has to have some type of super human ability, face villains with the strength of gods, and always work for the good of the people, not above the law. I have found that it makes much more sense to include Batman in the category of vigilante, as he tends to compare much better to vigilantes such as Green Arrow. The first and most obvious reason …show more content…

Batman’s villains are all gangsters and clinically insane humans who could easily be in the real world. None of his villains have any type of power or special abilities instead they use firearms and henchman to accomplish their goals. Many times it is up to Batman to stop these violent criminals from committing crimes that we see daily such as robberies and murders. A true superhero fights super villains with god like powers. Batman could never stand-alone against a villain such as doomsday or darkseid who both have multiple powers such as super strength and teleportation. He simply isn’t a contender to defend the earth against a god like threat as oppose to a real superhero such as Superman. When compared to the other members of the justice league Batman is simply outmatched in every way. He belongs on the streets fighting lower level threats rather then among alien wars fighting to save our world. While Batman is quite a hero and does many heroic things such as saving the citizens of Gotham he still has to oppose the law of the country to do it. When looking at this evidence it’s easy to see that people of Gotham fear the Batman and want him brought in by the Gotham city police. For these reasons he cannot be categorized as a superhero and deserves the title of

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