Bariatric Surgery Essay

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What is bariatric surgery? Bariatric surgery is an effective solution for those have been struggling to lose their excessive weight. There are three main types for this surgery, gastric bypass, gastric sleeve, and gastric banding. According to Kids health educational website “Bariatric surgeries had its beginning in the 1960s when doctors first noticed that people with portions of their stomach or intestines removed due to cancer of ulcers tended to lose a lot of their weight after surgeries” (Gavin). These surgeries help and focus on reducing the amount of food that a person can consume. Gastric bypass is the most common and effective surgery for weight loss. Who should consider getting bariatric surgery? Candidates with body mass index that …show more content…

Bariatric surgery means lower risk of death. Bariatric surgeries reduce the risk of many chronic diseases and cure them if they exist. Bariatric surgeries resolve many health issues that are affected by obesity such as type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, sleep apnea, asthma, arthritis, cholesterol, fatty liver disease and poly cystic ovarian syndrome in women. Also, it helps boosting the energy by increasing the metabolism in human’s body. It also reduces incidence of coronary heart disease. Bariatric surgery also improves the sexual health and increases the sex drive. Weight loss surgery improves people’s fertility and decreases the miscarriage rate. Weight loss surgery results in massive weight loss, people can loss 1 pound per day. According to The Cleveland Clinic “extremely obese teens who underwent bariatric surgery had an average 34 percent reduction in weight one year after surgery, with all but one seeing their type two diabetes disappear” (Adolescent Bariatric Surgery). However many people oppose weight loss surgeries and assume that after getting the surgery is very hard to control or maintain the body weight because the weight continues to drop. Additionally, people argue that after having the surgery the body lack the required amount of nutrients and always suffer from dehydration due to the small pouch that limits the amount of food or liquids people …show more content…

Confidence means believing in yourself and your abilities. Obese people are more likely to have lower self-esteem than the fit ones. Low confidence leads to the feeling of being ashamed of our bodies and the way we look. Also, Low self-esteem can lead to poor performance in many aspects such as school, work and home. Weight loss surgeries help in boosting the confidence and brighten the mood. Fit people feel more contained than they isolated. They also feel they are cared for and listened to by others. While obese people feel they are discriminated against, ignored by others and no one cares for their decisions or opinions. Additionally, obese people often think they have been judged and stereotyped by the way they look and the way they dress. Many obese people are victims of bullying therefore they are more sensitive for other’s comments and more serious even with taking jokes. Bariatric surgeries are the best solution to eliminate the state of depression and increase the confident level. Furthermore, it restores the peace inside people and makes them think more positive about life and about others. Many people had undergone the weight loss surgery feel more freely to speak to others in the public while they couldn’t or they didn’t have the carriage to do so before losing their weight. To sum up, people had undergone the surgery feel their body is more attractive and have more variety and options when it comes

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