Barack Obama Short Term Goals Essay

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In 2001 the U.S experienced the worst terrorist attack in U.S history. In the Aftermath of the 9/11 terrorist attack President George W. Bush declared war on Terrorism and on the the terrorist group al-Qaeda in Afghanistan. The war was then passed over to Barack Obama after George W. Bush’s term. Now as president Barack Obama’s plan was end the war against the Taliban and al Qaeda in Afghanistan and remove as many soldiers from Afghanistan before he ends his term in 2016. Even though Obama has done a good job at ending the war he still hasn't met his goals. Barack Obama has both long and short term goals for the foreign policy on Afghanistan. Though Barack Obama has many long and short term goals he hopes to fulfill before he ends his term in 2016; the most important is to end the war and to re-establish Afghan government control in the country’s southern and eastern regions. Obama once said “As president, my greatest responsibility is to protect the American people. We are no in Afghanistan to control that country or to dictate its future. We are in Afghanistan to confront a common enemy that threatens the U.S, our friends and our allies and the people in Afghanistan and …show more content…

Obama once stated “Over the last several years, we’ve worked to transition security responsibilities to the Afghans. One year ago, Afghan forces assumed the lead for combat operations. Since then, they’ve continued to grow in size and in strength, while making huge sacrifices for their country. This transition has allowed us to steadily draw down our own forces -- from a peak of 100,000 U.S. troops, to roughly 32,000 today”(Hudson). Though they had removed many soldiers back in 2012 they have added more in 2014. The only goal they were successful in accomplishing was ending the war against Afghanistan other than that the government has not accomplished any other goals having to do with the foreign policy in

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