Baking Soda Benefits

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Baking soda is not only used for cooking and cleaning, but also contains some of the benefits for health. Among them, baking soda is able to relieve heartburn flavor when added to the water and relieve pain caused by exposed to insect bites when applied topically on the skin that are exposed to bites. It is no wonder, if baking soda also has many uses for beauty.

In order to save costs and to use natural substances as treatments, try treatment with baking soda to soften the skin, hair, and you still have many other benefits that you can do yourself at home:

scrub to smooth skin

show off legs and arms free from flecks of black due to dead skin cells have been removed. Make ingredients for the meneglupas dead skin (exfoliate) light by mixing …show more content…

How, mix ¼ Cup arrowroot flour (you can get in stores cake), 1 tablespoon of baking soda, and 1 drop of lavender essential oil. Then, dip the brush of the width to the mix, and tap-ketukkan extended. Apply the herb to the root of the hair. Arrowroot flour will lift oil in the hair roots, while the baking soda will absorb oil and odor so it makes hair more fragrant and clean without the need of a wash.

soften feet

fix the back legs that closeted continues in shoes all winter/rain with lightening scrub menggunakna feet and nails. How, dissolve 3 tablespoons of baking soda into a bowl containing lukewarm water and add a few lemon slices. Soak your foot into it, which is useful to clean and freshen your feet. You should soak your feet for 10-15 minutes. Then make a paste of 3 parts baking soda mixture and 1 part water to peel off the dead skin on your feet. Sweep gently into the whole walk to brighten up your feet.

cleaning the scalp

If you want to clear the remnants of a hair of hair products, then use baking soda. The use of hairspray, hair styling cream, conditioner, or heat protector can leave remnants of products stacked up and stuck to the hair. To clean it up to the root, then mix one teaspoon of baking soda to your normal shampoo you use and also to the scalp to relieve a buildup of the remnants of hair

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