Silica Benefits

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The benefits of silica are generally targeted towards women. It is marketed as the perfect beauty supplement for hair, skin, and nails.

I have on and off for years now, taken silica supplements.

On the big wide world of the Web, there are many positive things written about this particular supplement. Many of the articles it seems are from people who are pushing a silica product.

I really have my reservations about some of the miracles silica can do.

It is through the aging process of the skin, minerals like this one deplete, and aging problems begin. Which is why the benefits of silica are so popular.

Colloidal silica health benefits, when taken regularly, will apparently improve hair, skin and nails strength, and help slow down the aging
Therefore, I can't comment if it does all the things it is often suggested it can.

There isn't much in the way of scientific evidence to back up any of the health claims. Usually, I don't care if something I am taking is researched or not. However, in this case after taking it for so long and noticing no change to my nails strength. It got me thinking, am I just wasting my money?

Some say silica supplements are just a waste of time.

How Do The Benefits Of Silica Help Your Body

benefits of silica

As the body ages, estrogen levels decrease which in turn decreases the body's ability to absorb silicon.

This mineral is what holds us all together. Without it, the human body could fall apart. It is also the essential part of collagen.

Collagen in the skin begins to break down, by the sun, this is photoaging, and then wrinkles appear.

When we are young, the body is able to absorb and support high levels of this mineral, so that our bodies stay flexible, energetic and resilient.

The benefits of silica are important for connective tissue (collagen formation), development, bone, and cartilage.

Silica is the reason children have such beautiful smooth skin and silky
Many times it is just a case of trying something yourself, and not taking somebody else's word for it.

Where To Buy Silica Supplements

You can buy silica supplements in a gel or capsules.

I usually buy the gel and pay around $26.00 for 500ml, it is quite expensive when taking over the long-term.

I buy it from 'Chemist Wharehouse', it is also available in most supermarkets, chemists and of course online.

It usually takes around 3 months of continuous use, if you are going to feel or notice any difference.

The benefits of silica in a supplement contain thiaminase, this is an enzyme capable of destroying vitamin B1 in the body

Therefore, long-term use is not usually recommended.

Many supplements, such as this one are not strictly regulated, so it is very easy for companies to make exaggerated health claims.

When looking at buying a silica supplement, do some research first.

I have come across so many websites selling this mineral. It is very easy to get carried away by all the health claims taking this particular supplement can do for you.

Since writing this article, I finished my silica supplements and have not bought any

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