Basc-2 Case Studies

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The BASC-2 SRP-A (Self Report of Personality) is a personality assessment for adolescents ages 12-21. It uses a 2-point response format (True/False) and 4-point response format (Never, Sometimes, Often, or Almost Always). The BASC-2 was designed as a tool to assist with making diagnosis of disorders using the DSM-IV. The BASC SRP evaluates school problems, personal adjustment, and internalizing problems (Matson, Andrasik, & Matson, 2009). The BASC-2 SRP is completed by the child or adolescent and it provides insight about their emotions, perceptions, and behaviors towards home, school, and their peers. Mary’s mother during the interview provided information about Mary’s social and emotional behavior in the home and at school. By having Mary complete this assessment, more information is provided about her social and emotional development. …show more content…

Her mother, Elaine, worries about her current grades, her struggle to meet new people, and her overall attitude in other environments outside of the home. The BASC-2 SRP contains 16 subscales such as self-esteem, social stress, relations with parents, locus of control, and interpersonal relationships just to name a few (Matson, Andrasik, & Matson, 2009). These are key factors that can be accounted for how Mary is behaving at home and in school and can help determine some reasons behind her staggering grades and social anxiety in school. Through this assessment Mary is providing her own information in these areas; findings may show other underlying issues that are affecting Mary’s academic

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