Auto Mechanic Career Paper

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Auto Mechanic Career Paper I have been Interested in working on vehicles since I was a little kid, What really grabbed me and made me interested about working on vehicles was when I had to help fix them or just working on them in general.The reason why I want a job like these two jobs because it is something that I want to be around for the rest of my life and that I can pass it on to other people and help them with either of these jobs. What was known before research was the working condition about the job and how the hours could be long or odd during work, The other thing was how much a Mechanic will make.What was not known before research was the annual openings which is high and the employment rate that is also …show more content…

“Wages,” “Mechanics are paid using one of several options.Some are paid by “flat rate” which means they are paid in a certain time period and other mechanics are paid by the hour” (1). The insurance for an Auto Mechanic depends on whether you work at a small shop then it would be normal.But if someone works at a “Dealerships are likely to offer complete benefits like a 401k plan for retirement and health insurance plans".Working as an Auto Mechanic you will be getting holidays off and the weekends of as well.You will also get paid for

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