Authoritarian Parenting Styles

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PAPER 2: POSITION PAPER Imagine, it is one of those days where you wake up in the best mood and you are ready to seize the day. There’s are a lineup of tasks on your agenda. Unusually though, you are ready to get these things done. First, you get to school and look down and find a twenty dollar bill; Then your teacher releases you from class early. You finish all the business on your to-do list, and it just feels like a wonderful day. However, when you walk through the door into your home, your parents start yelling at you to do this and that, and how you did not do this right and that wrong. That “wonderful day” seems shattered into pieces, so you go to your room and scream into your pillow. Do you know what it is like to have a parent with …show more content…

This parenting style is very ineffective and can lead your children into having multiple behavior problems. Authoritarian parenting has a variety of effects on children. Believe it or not, kids who become a victim to this can result in many behavior issues. The authoritarian type of parenting style is the most demanding and controlling type of style, and honestly the worse way a parent can go with the way to raise their kids. At the same time, the parents are not compassionate to their kids either. The sad part about authoritarian parenting are the characteristics these parents have: they tend to be very demanding but not responsive, they don’t express much warmth or nurture, they utilize punishments with little or no explanation, they don’t give their children choices or options, they have little to no patience for misbehavior, they don’t trust their kids to make good choices, they are not willing to negotiate, and they shame their children in order to make them behave (Kendra Cherry 2017 - summary). It is heartbreaking knowing there are kids in this world dealing with these type of parents. These parents are creating a very miserable childhood for their kids and they don’t even seem to …show more content…

Throughout her whole childhood, Angela’s mother was very abusive to her physically and emotionally. For example, her mom would call her names like the devil and would always say hurtful comments to bring her down, she never said words of encouragement. She was always being yelled at and her mother even lost control when spanking her. Angela admits, “For the first four or five months, I was picked on and bullied. When I told my mother, her first response was to ask me what I had done to make them pick on me. It was about this time that I began to believe that I was less than, not as good as, other kids. I carried that feeling into adulthood, and still fight with it today” (Angela Goodwin Slater 2013 - direct quote). When Angela turned 20, she saw a therapist to cope with her childhood background. She also admits that her mother loved her a lot and made many sacrifices for her family; however, it does not make up for the number of wrong doings she has caused her. Angela started doing drugs and drinking heavily in junior high, and it has a great deal to due with the way her mother raised her. Angela is a parent herself now, but she does not raise her kids the way her own

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