Australian History Essay

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• Introduction
Australia is a country that really catch my attention, because during my all experience as a student I have never studied Australia in depth. So this has been the main reason why I have chosen this topic in order to search more information about its history and how it has become what we know nowadays as the country of Australia. (porque es importante para los niños).

• History
The population of Australia is composed of two kind of civilizations, on the one hand the indigenous and on the other, those with foreign origin. Because of this, we are going to analyse it in this order following the story of the country.
Indigenous Australians are the people who lived in Australia before European colonist arrived. Therefore they are …show more content…

Most of them, by using land bridges, reached Australia and decided to settle there. They have been in continuous contact with Asian people and that is the reason why they have as well features of them. They had a nomadic life and they survived thanks to hunting and fishing. Unfortunately, we do not have any written document about indigenous Australian before European arrived.
It is thought that there were approximately about 300.000 of them. They were separated into more than 300 different groups, each of them with their own languages. Though out the year they moved among different places of their land in order to find food and water, such as fruits, animals, fish, or different plants. Furthermore, their houses were very rudimentary, as they were made by branches and leaves. For some special situations they met together to paint their bodies and sing typical songs of their …show more content…

They did not put up any resistance to prevent colonization; however their presence were unpleasant for European. What Aborigines did not know is that from that moment their lives would change forever. In fact, thousands of them died because of the continuous fighting with British, some others because of diseases that Colonist brought with them. Tasmania was one of the most affected lands, because at the beginning they were 7000 aborigines and after few years there were none.
There were created special places for them to live far away from Britain people, but still life for Aborigines was very difficult because they could not find a job, their children couldn´t assist to school as the rest of the other children and many of the original languages of the Aborigine were disappear. At the end, this situation came the decline of the aborigine who were reduced to 90% of the population.
However with the past of the time the population of Aborigines has started to grow again, thanks to the establishment of rules to protect this culture. And nowadays they are totally integrated with the Australian

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