Interview With Australian Culture

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It was interesting to see that nearly all of our participants had travelled out of the country. Some of our interviewees had even been to more than 10 different countries. One girl that was a participant in particular had been to over an incredible 20 countries such as Italy, Germany, France and Hong Kong, more incredibly at only age 16. She said that she loves going to new countries and getting a feel for how different cultures live, and to be able to learn their cultural customs during her ventures. Another insight provided from our interviews was that only just this year, a 19 year old student went on a month long trip to India with his family. As his mother was from India; this trip involved meeting relatives for the first time and getting in touch with the culture his biological background presented. He described this opportunity as the best thing he’s ever done. It is safe to assume that this month long voyage would have provided meaningful insight towards his growing global mindset.
Our final main topic was discussing the types of food and cuisine that our participants ate and what they loved to have. It was amusing to hear that some of the …show more content…

Our existence has mainly been sheltered – roofs above our heads, food on the table and blankets on our beds. The main demographic insight provided from these interviews showed many similarities from Australian culture, with the main difference being the food and language aspects. Traveling, however varied widely for many different people. For what Australians consider travel, it is usually just a holiday overseas, not to move country to live and find a new life in. A highlight from the interview was when we were able to sit down and discuss the aspect of travel with two Punjabi males, one aged 25, Sattu, and the other 27, Mani. They are currently living in Australia, with full time employment, but their journey to get here was a mean of starting

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