Australian Fitness Industry

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3- “Market Report” Group Project: 2. EVALUATE

Fitness Industries are all around us; they are an important part of everyday life and have major influences on the health of the people in our society. To evaluate this Industry and the expression that regular physical activity is beneficial to people’s health, it will be important to outline the emotional, social and economical factors it has to offer.

Everyone should be encouraged to make time and exercise. As according to “Kids Health” people that exercise regularly are more likely to classify themselves as happy than those that don't. Major Health influence been outlined by the “Mayo Clinic Staff” is it reduces Anxiety and Depression, maintains weight, combats health conditions such as stroke, metabolic syndrome, type two diabetes, depression and certain types of cancers and it also Improves your overall mood, boosts energy and promotes better sleep. Overall regular physical exercise cannot only be fun and make you feel better about yourself, but overall is very beneficial for your health and …show more content…

Whether this is part of a team, or at a Fitness Centers where you are surrounded by groups of individuals working out, there will be more chance of interaction to create new friendships and support networks.

The fitness industry is vital to the Australian economy. Around 1.73 million Australians are estimated to use fitness centre services. This is supported by the economic contribution report commissioned by Fitness Australia and prepared by Access Economics estimates that Australia's fitness centres can provide savings in direct health care costs of up to $108 million per annum. Further economic analysis has revealed that a 3% increase in fitness centre exploitation has the potential to raise additional health care savings of $204.8 million that would result to around 2,609 extra employees in the

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