Australian Dairy Industry Essay

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STUDENT ID- 1100573 VANSHIKA ASSESSMENT TASK 1 Identify and evaluate the competitive challenges and opportunities facing that particular sector.

Prepared BY Vanshika Prepared To Lecturer – Kathleen Hastings MKG721 Food Marketing

Due Date-

Executive Summary-
Australian dairy industry supply more milk than is use by domestically and a heavy amount is routed for export. International dairy demand is growing, because of increased demand in developing dairy markets including china, south-east Asia and the Middle East .Australia dairy industry go up against in contest with New Zealand, the EU and the USA, as well as with small scale players such as Argentina, Ukraine and Uruguay. Many competitors are increasing both their production and export aim.
On the other hand, Australia take into account an open market approach, but not all countries …show more content…

The dairy industry massively stand on road transport to pick up milk from farms and take it to regional and metropolitan processing facilities , and to take finished products to distribution centers to supply domestic and export markets .on the other hand, dairy industry is focused the government owned port to the private sectors could lead to higher port charges. The dairy industry is therefore calling on the Australian government to implement some form of essential service commission or other agency oversight of port charges and its access

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