Attacking People With Disabilities

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“Attacking people with disabilities is the lowest display of power I can think of” (Morgan Freeman). The numbers are staggering, approximately 52 million Americans have some sort of disabling condition such as cerebral palsy, mental retardation, depression, spinal cord injury, visual impairment, arthritis, and muscular dystrophy; to name a few. Disabilities are due to an individual suffering from an emotional, developmental, cognitive and mental impairment, it can even be a combination of one or more depending on the actual disability. These people are treated as less valuable than the next person. Many believe that people with disabilities are an inconvenience so they avoid putting themselves in a position where they could help improve …show more content…

Such as, when Jim was 3 months old, his mother was told he had cystic fibrosis. His doctor asked Jim’s mother where she wanted Jim to be in 20 years. Looking ahead, she told the doctor she wanted Jim to go to college. Working as a team, Jim’s doctor and mother began to plan for his future. Jim learned early that he needed to be involved in his own health care. With support from family, school, and health care professionals, Jim took on more and more responsibility for his own health. He also learned to take care of himself by exercising, eating right, and avoiding alcohol and tobacco. Today, Jim is 24, married, working, and buying a home. He believes he has been able to enjoy a full life, in spite of his disability ("People with Disabilities", 2016). All it took was his family, school, and doctors coming along side he and his family, which led to a hope and a future for this young man. So many other lives could be impacted in the same way. More than 82% of children with disabilities get bullied in school but other non-disabled children. This makes the child resent school and that child will start to associate

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