Violence Against People With Disabilities

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Like Sharron Angle said, “There is a plan and a purpose, a value to every life, no matter what its location, age, gender or disability”. We all are one; we all are special in our own way, so why treat someone else different just because they look different from what is viewed as “normal”? Why commit violence against people with disabilities? According to Cook, L. (2015), Americans with disabilities are more often victims of violent crimes. The violence against the disabled was thirty-six per one thousand in 2013, two times the amount of people without disabilities. The safety threat and the fear of acquiring a disability among people without disabilities are two important sources of prejudice and discrimination against people with disabilities. Those two sources of prejudice and discrimination against people with disabilities are part of the contributions as to why people with disabilities are at a higher risk of violence against them. My current event is about …show more content…

Despite that, studies have determined that people with disabilities are at a higher risk of violence against them. Needless to say, no one deserves to get punched repeatedly in the face, not even a person with a disability. Unfortunately, that is not always the case. It has been proven that people who are mentally ill are less violent than the normal population. At no point did Mr. Smith get violent against the teens, yet he was attacked. In fact, some people believe that the disabled are vulnerable, and are not able to defend themselves. Therefore, they become easy targets. In this current event, that is what took place. The disabled man, due to his inability to defend himself, became an easy target to the teens. What was supposed to be a friendly conversation turned out to be something

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